About Me

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Hi I am a teacher and counselor by profession. I teach the subject of mathematics though I actually teach "students". I enjoy reading Motivational books. I dabble with painting and sketching. I love singing and enjoy playing musical instruments. I Like listening to music. I enjoy dancing. I am fond of tasting different types of cuisine. In short.. I love Myself !!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Solar Eclipse January 2010

solar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes directly between the Sun and the Earth, producing a shadow on the Earth’s surface where the Sun is completely or partially obscured. Solar eclipses are rare becausethe moon seldom comes in the direct path between the Earth and the Sun.
The solar eclipse of 15th January, 2010 will be the century’s longest eclipse, having a totality duration of 11 minutes, 8 seconds (visible in India for 10 minutes, 24 seconds). It starts at 10:44 AM IST (5:14 AM GMT) and ends at 2:29 PM IST (8:59 AM GMT). This is an annular eclipse, that is the apparent diameter of the Moon is slightly smaller than the apparent size of the Sun. Thus at totality (when the entire disc of the Moon covers the Sun), the Sun forms a bright ring (or “annulus”, hence the name) around the Moon.
The eclipse can be best seen in India in the town of Dhanushkodi at the southern tip of Rameshwaram. It is reachable by fish boats or 4×4 SUVs.
Here is how the eclipse will look at totality near Dhanushkodi:
Following this are the scenes of maxima in the major cities of India:
Word of warning: Do NOT stare at the eclipse (or the Sun, for that matter) with naked eyes or through run-of-the-mill sunglasses. Your eyes will be put at risk. An even louder word of warning: do NOT look at the eclipse with unshielded binoculars or telescopes. You will definitely burn your eyes if you do that. Please wear adequate protection. Specially designed solar eclipse goggles are available which will protect your eyes from the brightness of the Sun.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

How does the Hubble Telescope See - watch the video!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Stress Busting Tips

Students aren't immune to stress. In fact it is not uncommon for each student to go through some form of stress. Examination Stress is a common example.
Many students do the mistake of not sharing how they feel during week moments. Expressing oneself and sharing problems with a trusted teachers or parents is very beneficial. You may be surprised to see how easily stress can be busted!
Students most of the time either do not understand they are stressed or do not know how to manage their stress in the correct way. However students can gain lifelong benefits by learning how to deal with stress.

1. Try a little Yoga or Exercise
Not only is yoga a good form of physical exercise, which is an essential element in relieving stress, it also incorporates meditation and breathing practices that can provide plenty of relaxation benefits.
2. Try Mini-Meditation Techniques such as Silent Sitting
Mini-meditations are short techniques that can give quick relief from stress. One such mini-meditation is a deep breathing exercise. Youngsters should stop what they’re doing, sit in a comfortable spot, and close their eyes. Children should then take three slow, deep breaths – inhaling through the nose, and exhaling through the mouth slowly. The deep breaths should be repeated two to three times before slowly opening eyes.
3. Have a Good Laugh
Laughter provides a physical release that reduces / decreases stress hormones. Having a good chuckle causes the body to release endorphins, which elevate moods, and acts as a natural pain killer. So watch a funny movie, do a silly dance, tell jokes, or make a funny face in the mirror but just get giggling.
4. Try Calming Activities
When stressed, it helps to give a soothing way to channel stress. Do some coloring, painting, drawing pictures etc this can help relieve stress.
5. Get Adequate Rest : Lack of rest weakens the body’s defenses and lessens its ability to cope with stress.

being Updated Still....